Emotion Explorers

A play therapy group for children experiencing challenges with anger and other emotions. Offering groups for ages 6-8 and 9-11.

Anger is the brain’s way of protecting us from more vulnerable emotions (ex. embarrassment, guilt, sadness). Children are trying their best to navigate the world and understand how everything works. In this group, we will learn how to manage our big emotions.

Emotion Explorers can help your child navigate:

  • Meltdowns

  • Angry outbursts

  • Frustration

  • Stewing and brewing

  • Big feelings

    They will have fun, learn new skills, make friends, and come home with a BE-CALM BOX filled with ideas and items to use after the group is over

Emotion Explorers will be held at the Aldersgate office:

49 Easton Road, Suite 203, Willow Grove PA 19090

April 1, 2025-May 6, 2025 for ages 6-8
and May 13, 2025-June 17, 2025 for ages 9-11


$300 for full six-session program

Sessions will be led by Juli MacGregor, MS, NCC