Fearless Friends

Six-week skills-building group to help your 6 - 8 year old child manage anxiety and difficult feelings

It’s not always easy to recognize anxiety in young children. Some symptoms may include:

stomach aches

resistance or tantrums when you are trying to get them to school on time

trouble sleeping or frequent nightmares

excessive worry

moodiness and irritability

perfectionism and self-criticism

tearfulness or crying spells

Fearless Friends can help your child learn to manage anxiety

They will have fun, learn new skills, make friends, and come home with a BE-CALM BOX filled with ideas and items to use after the group is over

Fearless Friends will be held at the Aldersgate office:

49 Easton Road, Suite 203, Willow Grove PA 19090

July 9, 16, 23, 30, August 6, 13, 2024

4:30 - 5:30 p.m.

$250 for full six-session program